Together, we power progress

Our mission

Our purpose

Our vision

Gippsland Women in New Energy (GWNE) is committed to empowering women in the new energy sector across Gippsland, fostering a network that promotes development, mentorship, recognition, and collaboration.

GWNE is dedicated to creating an inclusive and empowering platform for women to excel in the new energy industry, contributing significantly to the sector's development and growth.

Our commitment is to foster an environment where women can thrive and lead in the transition to a clean energy future in Gippsland and beyond.

1. Boost Diversity and Inclusion: Champion the involvement of women in the new energy sector in regional Victoria, aiming for gender equality and diverse representation in technical and leadership roles.

2. Support Professional Development: Offer resources and opportunities for women to enhance their skills and careers in new energy, including workshops and seminars on industry trends and leadership.

3. Encourage Networking and Mentorship: Build a community of like-minded members with a passion for renewable energy, Gippsland, and professional development. Mentorship programs will link emerging talents with industry leaders for career and leadership guidance.

4. Advocate for Sustainable Energy: Promote the benefits of new energy and sustainable practices within Gippsland and beyond, engaging with local governments, businesses, and communities.

5. Collaborate with Industry Stakeholders: Partner with companies, educational institutions, and government agencies to align efforts and collaborate on projects enhancing women's roles in new energy.

Our committee